Fundraising for small charities can seem stressful, high-pressured and necessary just to cover immediate expenses; but for large charities (especially for someone not employed by the charity) it can seem impersonal and a simple drop in the ocean. I personally, would want neither. I believe it does not have to be like this however...
I want to address fundraising for a large charity and I shall use my ongoing experience with Tearfund as an example. On the 23rd June in Torbay I shall be running the half-marathon for Tearfund raising money for a specific project within the charity: ICS.
This programme sends out young people in the UK all over the world to meet poverty head on and do all they can to help.
I would urge you guys to check this out to see more...
As far as fundraising goes, being part of a Church is hugely beneficial as there are many like-minded people willing to support your passions. However, it is JustGiving that has transformed fundraising from my point of view, as it is so easy to sponsor.
Before JustGiving arose I did a run for a local charity; requesting sponsorship and then collecting the pledges was a nightmare. JustGiving allows online transactions to be made immediately and is such a useful tool. I cannot recommend it enough if you are planning on fundraising through sponsorship.
I find the motivation and incentive to fundraise comes through finding 1 particular project I am really passionate for, and doing all I can to support it - not necessarily an entire organisation. You can then see your money directly impact by following the specific project, which is a great reassurance.
When I run on the 23rd, I run for a life-changing experience for the ICS!
JP the runner
£1.50 Bikini at |
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